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Showing posts from February, 2022

Lesson Planning

Pleasanton History Lesson Plan Reflection Hi all! After completing my lesson plan I gained some insight about how creating an engaging lesson plan is the most important part of the lesson you are about to teach! Standing in the front of a classroom and lecturing your students will not give them a drive to learn. Lesson plans need to be full of fun and captivating activities that allow students to want to constantly learn more about what you are teaching. My chosen lesson plan included a link to Google Maps so that I could gain a visual understanding of the Pleasanton area. This made be become more connected to what I was learning because I was able to actually see the region and it's beautiful territory! XP opportunity - Link to  FlipGrid

Discovering New Lands

This week in Social Studies Methods, I discovered new lands in the  Lewis and Clark Expedition . In this Google Slides activity, I listened, watched, read, and interacted with information presented to me to further my knowledge regarding the travels and discoveries of Lewis and Clark. Firstly, I learned that Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to find the Northwest Passage and map the world of the west. However, they were unsuccessful in finding the Northwest Passage but contributed a wealth of information about the west. Secondly, I learned that Lewis and Clark brought back  journals filled with details about Native American tribes, scientific notes about plants and animals never seen before, and stories that made other Americans dream about heading west. Next, I learned that Lewis, Clark, and T he Corps of Discovery faced dangerous conditions of new territories, physical labor, the mast of their boat breaking, bug issues, injuries, the rope of the boat breaking twice due to the san

Digital Generation

In this week's Social Studies Methods class, we discussed all about the digital generation. We started off class by doing a fun activity on Google Slides where we created acrostics of our names on an "About Me" slide. My name is Lia, so for the letter "L," I put loving, for the letter "I," I put imaginative, and for the letter "A," I put adventurous! This was such a fun activity to begin the class! Find picture of my "About Me" slide below. Next, we began to discuss how technology will impact our futures as teachers. Coming from a Gen Z, I definitely believe that I am pretty up to date on the technology that is used today, but in the future we will have so much more different technology that I might not know about that my future students do. My group and I discussed teaching the digital generation; more specifically the 9 elements of digital citizenship and some characteristics of Gen Alpha. Find a link to the slideshow we created a

The E's of Social StudiEs

EXPLORE This week in Method's of Social Studies, we got assigned to read chapters 1-3 in the textbook. I was very excited to find out some new information that will be helpful to me in my future teaching profession. What is and why teach Social Studies?  What can make the concept of teaching social studies come "alive" and interesting for students? Social Studies is the "study of social relationships and the functioning of society" from the past to the present. In other words, Social Studies teaches us the facts of history from the past. It is critical to incorporate teaching Social Studies in school curriculum because students need to be educated about the events that took place long before they were alive. Our history is full of trial and error that made us the type of society we have today. To keep fulfilling societal standards, we must teach the future generations about the past so the same mistakes that happened back then don't reoccur. To make teaching

Food for Thought

  In this cartoon, I see an old-fashioned teacher who wants to connect with her students. Students these days are so in-tune with technology whereas teachers aren't. Instead of this teacher having her students do a writing assignment on paper, she should have them do it digitally so she can learn more about the advantages of using technology in the classroom all while having the students complete an assignment with something they are very familiar with.

First Social Studies Adventure

For my first completed week of learning methods of social studies, I thought I'd share a bit of what I have accomplished so far. This week we learned how to create digital classrooms on google slides. To make a slideshow look like a traditional classroom, I included a desk, a rug, a cup of pencils, a poster, a Bitmoji of myself with a cup of coffee, and a whiteboard. We included a link to our new blogs, a FlipGrid video introducing ourselves to the class with some information about ourselves included, and our Digital Me projects. For my Digital Me project, I used google drawing to share a story about myself. This application is useful for me in the future because I am able to create charts that are convenient for the learning of my future students. The most important thing I learned this week was to not forget to make all of my assignments creative and colorful! Having an assignment that is appealing to look at makes learning more fun and less boring. Adding Bitmojis to your assign