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The E's of Social StudiEs


This week in Method's of Social Studies, we got assigned to read chapters 1-3 in the textbook. I was very excited to find out some new information that will be helpful to me in my future teaching profession.

What is and why teach Social Studies?  What can make the concept of teaching social studies come "alive" and interesting for students?

Social Studies is the "study of social relationships and the functioning of society" from the past to the present. In other words, Social Studies teaches us the facts of history from the past. It is critical to incorporate teaching Social Studies in school curriculum because students need to be educated about the events that took place long before they were alive. Our history is full of trial and error that made us the type of society we have today. To keep fulfilling societal standards, we must teach the future generations about the past so the same mistakes that happened back then don't reoccur. To make teaching Social Studies come "alive" and interesting for students in the classroom, teachers need to incorporate fun, interactive activities that makes learning feel a bit less like learning. The use of technology makes these fun and interactive activities possible. From my experience, Kahoot! is a great example of technology that makes learning awesome and fun! This application allows students compete to answer questions against their peers and whoever answers correctly and fastest wins! Teachers can use this to "quiz" their students on their knowledge of Social Studies. 

What made Social Studies the way it is from a historical perspective?

Chapter 2 introduces the Dame School. This school originated about 400 years ago and it was designed to teach young children literacy and religion. The school soon integrated the teaching of Social Studies into the curriculum so the students could gain an understanding about political issues for their futures. From a historical perspective, Social Studies was designed as something just as important as literacy techniques and basics of religion because children required knowledge of their society and their societies future.

What are the pros and cons of standards? How can standards help teachers and YOU in unit and lesson plans' design?

There are many pros and cons of standards in schools. Some pros of standards are that it gives a general guideline to teachers of what to incorporate into unit plans and lesson plans; and for newly beginning teachers, it gives them some ideas of how and when to teach lessons. Some cons of standards are that some standards are so strict that they don't allow wiggle room to stray away from requirements. Teachers love to make learning fun and interesting but strict standards can stop that because they may not allow any other activities or ideas be presented. Standards may help teachers and myself in unit and lesson plan design by giving a clear goal of what I and my students need to accomplish for the year.

How can teachers prove the positive/negative outcomes of curriculum integration?

Teachers can prove the positive and/or negative outcomes of curriculum integration by tracking how well or how poor students are responding to the material regarding their understanding of the topics. Curriculum integration holds the possibility to connect different concepts into different subject-matter which can then push students to think critically across contrasting subjects.

EXPLORE part 2

Models of Teaching

What is the difference between the terms, "models," "strategies," and "methods?"

A model is something that informs and represents topics that will be discussed. Strategies are ways that we can collectively reach a common goal. Methods are a type of plan that is used to then reach a common goal. Models, strategies, and methods are dynamic, meaning they all work together to complete each other.

What kind of environment helps students learn and achieve?

A safe, supportive, secure, and nurturing classroom environment helps students learn and achieve. These types of classrooms allow students to not only want to learn, but have fun learning too. Giving students support and praise will help students feel as if they have a purpose and boom, students will love coming to school.


Bloom's Taxonomy

Here is a compiled list of verbs from each level of Bloom's Taxonomy: remember, list, describe, tabulate, appropriate use, understand, summarize, interpret, predict, execute, apply, classify, experiment, calculate, construct, analyze, order, explain, differentiate, achieve, evaluate, rank, assess, conclude, action, create, combine, plan, compose, and actualize.

The importance of Bloom's Taxonomy is to create a way for teachers to encourage their students to "climb to a higher level of thought." This is crucial for students because it gives them a push to think more critically to gain a higher level of understanding to subject matter.


Link to FlipGrid about model of instruction here
