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Discovering New Lands

This week in Social Studies Methods, I discovered new lands in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. In this Google Slides activity, I listened, watched, read, and interacted with information presented to me to further my knowledge regarding the travels and discoveries of Lewis and Clark. Firstly, I learned that Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to find the Northwest Passage and map the world of the west. However, they were unsuccessful in finding the Northwest Passage but contributed a wealth of information about the west. Secondly, I learned that Lewis and Clark brought back journals filled with details about Native American tribes, scientific notes about plants and animals never seen before, and stories that made other Americans dream about heading west. Next, I learned that Lewis, Clark, and The Corps of Discovery faced dangerous conditions of new territories, physical labor, the mast of their boat breaking, bug issues, injuries, the rope of the boat breaking twice due to the sandbar, and storms throughout their journey. Finally, as a class, we responded in a Jamboard post about Lewis and Clark's experience in their expedition to help future settlers in the west. I thought this activity was extremely meaningful because I learned so many new details about the Lewis and Clark Expedition that I did not learn in grade school. As a future teacher, I would definitely use this interactive activity to help my students learn about the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
