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PIGS *oink*

 Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning

Positive Interdependence

Individual Accountability

Group Processing

Social Skills

Hi everyone! This week in social studies methods, we discussed the importance of implementing Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning into the classroom. These elements (PIGS) allow for meaningful learning to students and a higher level order of thinking. It is unique because it uses a different goal, task, and reward structure to promote student learning. It emphasizes students working together to acquire a shared goal all while recognizing individual student work.

To master the elements of these methods of teaching, we split up into groups to gather information about our topics. For example, I was in the Individual Accountability mastery group. Individual Accountability is a type of cooperative learning method where students learn together but are actively contributing their own work to the group as individuals. This type of learning allows all students to be held accountable for their learning and how they perform their knowledge. We researched all about this topic and created a slide deck and a google form to present and "teach" our peers. After mastering this topic, we returned to our base (fieldwork) groups so each person could present their mastered topic to the class (Jigsaw Project). Learn more about Individual Accountability by viewing my slide deck here.

I deeply enjoyed this approach to learning all about the Social Interactive Model and Cooperative Learning because instead of being lectured about this topic, I was able to take a shot at learning it all by myself to then have the support of my group members to allow me a more extensive education.

After we all became masters of PIGS, we completed a Google Form giving feedback to our mastery groups as well as our base groups on how well everyone worked together to complete the tasks. I appreciated the evaluation form because I was able to give honest feedback about the groups and the problems and/or accomplishments we came across while completing the project.
