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Goals, Characteristics, and Methods of SIM/CL (Ch. 6/7)

When it comes to the Social Interactive Model/Cooperative Learning Methods, it is important that students and teachers all work together in order to gain the most possible success in the classroom.

In the classroom, students should:

1. Feel safe and secure in class

2. Experience academic and social success

3. Identify areas of personal talent and interest

4. Feel accepted by other children and adults

5. Contribute to the success of the class and view themselves as important

Students do not always bring the necessary skills needed to be a productive member of the classroom, but they need to have the opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be able to work well with one another. Group building activities can aid students in working cooperatively with each other; they build trust, a sense of responsibility, and provide experience in collaborative exercises. Teachers can facilitate groups in the classroom and observe the students' social and communicative skills of their students.

Some questions teachers can ask themselves while observing group work are:

1. Do group members understand why they are working together?

2. Are all group members actively participating in group building activities? If not, how will I encourage active, positive participation in the future?

3. What skills do group members lack to be able to work together collaboratively and cooperatively? How will I teach those skills?

Essential conditions for successful collaboration and cooperation in the classroom are necessary for students to be able to interact productively and positively. These conditions must exist in the classroom:

1. The affective needs of students must be met (acceptance, belonging, power, freedom, and fun)

2. Students need to have opportunities to get to know one another and become a part of a demographic classroom community

3. Competition in the classroom needs to be reduced or eliminated. Students should not be encouraged to view their peers as obstacles to their own success

4. Group grading of cooperative activities should not be used

5. Students and parents need to understand the benefits of having students work together

6. Communication and social skills that are needed for successful collaboration and cooperation need to be identified and taught to students

7. A variety of collaboration and cooperative structures should be used

8. Collaborative and cooperative learning should not be overused - other teaching strategies must be met to meet the learning needs of all students 

Student success is the utmost importance in the classroom. The SIM/CL methods can bring a higher level of understanding and thinking for students to aid them in progressing their learning!
