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Black Excellence

Hi everyone! As Black History Month came to an end, I wanted to emphasize that it is extremely important to educate your students about events in Black History that are not always presented accurately in the base level curriculum in school.

To begin, I wanted to shed light on the fact that President Joe Biden has nominated the first black women, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to be the next Supreme Court Justice. This is an accomplishment that America has yet seen! It is so important to recognize that people of all races, genders, religions, and sexualities need to be represented in America! Find further information about this accomplishment here on CNBC news.

Next, I wanted to discuss the importance of Culturally Responsive Teaching. All too often, students of color lack representation in the classroom and this causes a disruption of learning for those children. Students can feel a lack of connection to their education when their culture isn't being actively represented. This is a huge issue because we want all students to be successful in their education and in order to fix this issue, we all must incorporate more information in lessons about varieties of culture and the accomplishments that people of other cultures face, to not only allow students to become more connected and eager to learn in school, but to also give those students encouragement and hope that they can accomplish anything as well. 

Finally, I felt the utmost importance to deliberate that a new poll from Quinnipiac University shows that 66% of people feel as if American history falls short when taking into account the roles of African Americans. This is extremely saddening because I cannot imagine how it must feel to not experience the representation of culture, not only in the classroom, but also in historical events. We need to teach students the true events in past history so that they understand what being a different race and what that race dealt with in the past is like.

"If you can fly, then run. if you can't run, then walk. If you can't run, then crawl, but whatever you do, keep moving forward." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Although Black History Month came to an end, we must remember to celebrate Black excellence year round!
