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4th Grade Exploration (Inquiry/Collaborative)

Good afternoon all! Today my group and I, the Social Studies Buddies, taught our second and final lesson to the 4th grade student at BDMS. This lesson was the inquiry and collaborative lesson type. We began by reintroducing ourselves and going over the class rules and expectations for the classroom to refresh the student's memories. In this lesson, we reviewed some of the material we taught last time in the direct lesson type by using Pear Deck questions such as a true and false question, an agree or disagree question, and an open ended question. For the individual assignment, the students brainstormed the necessities they needed if they were to take a journey like Lewis and Clark did. Then, the students split up into 5 groups with each student having a specific task, and compared their packing lists to a list that Lewis and Clark had. When they came across items they did not know, we Googled the definitions and found a picture of the item to gain a better understanding of what Lewis and Clark packed and needed for their journey. After the group work was completed, we as a class shared the similarities and differences of the packing lists along with the items we newly discovered. Each group member was evaluated on how well they contributed to the group work. Although we had some unforeseen technological obstacles, I had such a great time teaching the 4th graders about Lewis and Clark and I hope to be able to have this opportunity again soon!

Link to slideshow lesson here
