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4th Grade Exploration (Direct)

Welcome back everybody! Today the Social Studies Buddies taught our first Lewis and Clark lesson to the fourth grade class at BDMS! We completed a direct lesson plan with the students and taught them about Lewis and Clark's journey to the west. We began by introducing ourselves to the class and providing our expectations and class rules for the students to follow throughout the lesson. Next, we assessed student background knowledge by asking the students what explorers do, and to name any explorers they previously know of. We introduced who Lewis and Clark were, their purpose for their exploration, the Native American tribes they met along the way, and the journals they brought back with them filled with newly discovered plants, animals, and stories that made others dream about heading west. We took the time to evaluate how the students were understanding the information presented to them by using Pear Deck questions imbedded throughout the lesson and a Kahoot quiz to wrap up at the end. I had so much fun teaching the 4th graders and I can't wait to teach them again this Tuesday!

Find our lesson slideshow here
