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Showing posts from April, 2022

Technology and Economics

Welcome back everyone! Today let's delve into the concept of Economics... What is Economics? Economics is "the study of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a society." If we said this to a student in elementary school, they would probably stare back at us with a blank face. So how to we teach the concept of economics to young students? We can start off by teaching students about wants and needs. Wants are thigs that we desire, but can live without. Needs are things that are essential to survive. By teaching them about wants and needs, we can then delve into how to be financially responsible. To add some creativity into the lesson, a fun way to teach economics could be to give the students fake money and cut out images of food, clothing, games, and toys. Each cut out will have a price, and the students will need to think about what wants and needs they can afford with their mo ney! After watching the video that uses Skype in the classroom, I

What is Civics???

Chapter 11 in the textbook discusses civics and how to teach civics in elementary school. To start off, let's ask ourselves, "what really is civics?" Civics is the study of rights and duties in citizenship, or things and activities that we as people must fulfill in society. To effectively teach civics in elementary school, we can first teach children about how our government works and the roles that we play as American citizens so that everybody has a part in society. As American citizens, we all have natural rights, or rights that come naturally to us as people. These rights are given to us by our government and in return for these rights, each person in society has to fulfill their duty. In a classroom setting, a teacher can give out jobs to each student in the class such as line leader, door holder, messenger, etc. to mimic how each person in society has a specific responsibility and role to play that aids us in functioning properly as a whole. These books are great st

Let's Talk History

Chapter 12 discusses history and how to teach it in elementary school. To start off, let's ask ourselves, "what is history and why is it important?" History is all the events that have happened in past societies and it is so important to discuss because learning about the events that have happened in the past prevent us from making the same mistakes as we once did! History has shaped our society into what it is today and it helps us to understand all people in society. Teaching history at a young age is crucial for the development of children because some day, they will be the future of our society and making the decisions that shape our world. By teaching children the past events in history, they become aware as to what decisions they should and should not make, therefore setting a path to enable them to make the best possible decisions for people all around the world.

What's so important about Geography?

In Chapter 13, the author discusses geography and how to teach geography in elementary school. You may ask, "why is Geography important?" Geography is so important because  it helps students answer questions such as: What is it? Where is it? Why is it there? and What is the significance of its location? Geography helps students understand connections between physical and human systems and how they interact on the Earth’s surface. I t also helps students practice critical thinking skills about the distribution and arrangements of people, places, and events around world. Geography captures the imagination of students through a focus on exploration and adventure! What are the 5 themes of Geography? Location Place Human/Environment Interaction Movement Regions These themes provide a useful way to organize the contents of geography for when you begin to teach it in the classroom! It is important for students to learn about geography to have them realize that different people, reli

Treasure Hunt

Hi everyone and welcome back! Today I completed a word geography treasure hunt! I researched all about countries around the world, their populations, their borders, etc. It was so fun to find out more about the properties of the countries outside of the United States. Below I am attaching pictures of my treasure hunt: